Our Patients

Stories that inspire

Although nano-rare patients may be one in the world, they are part of our nano-rare community. Meet these nano-rare patients and learn about their unique diagnostic journeys.

Patient stories

We welcome your family
to our community

We understand that being nano-rare often means that each patient is alone in their unique disease, alone in their suffering and isolated from the healthcare community. We want to change this by empowering our nano-rare patients.

The Patient’s Journey

Developing a personalized ASO treatment plan

At n-Lorem, our mission is to treat the patients we can today. By working closely with our research physicians and their institutions, we discover, develop and provide personalized experimental ASO medicines to nano-rare patients for free, for life. This journey begins with a research physician submitting an application to treat for their patient to n-Lorem.

Find out if you
qualify for treatment

Nano-rare describes a patient that, because of their unique gene mutation, will be only 1 to 30 patients worldwide with that exact mutation. Most nano-rare patients have a single gene mutation that causes a cluster of symptoms that can affect their health. Many of these single gene mutations lead to degenerative conditions or even death.

We cannot do
this alone

Together we are changing the world—
one patient at a time

We hope that you join us on this journey to discover, develop and provide individualized antisense medicines for free for life for nano-rare patients. The ultimate personalized medicine approach – for free, for life.

We need your support

Join us on our Corps of Discovery of the mind and heart. Help us bring hope and potential help to nano-rare patients today. For free, for life.

Follow us on social for updates on our latest efforts