50 Lessons After 50:


Most people want to do meaningful work and be a part of an organization of which they are proud

I think that the desire to do meaningful work is particularly true for people who gravitate toward medical science and business. Certainly, I have wanted to do meaningful work and the first line in culture statements I have created is “sick people depend on us”. I have found that a mission like “sick people depend on us” attracts and retains committed people who care about the work they do. That, in turn, supports demanding more from each individual and the organization in toto.

A mission-centered organization in which everyone is made to feel that they are contributing to the mission is an organization that has the potential to create a uniquely productive culture that is a true strategic asset.

by Dr. Stan Crooke

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one patient at a time

We hope that you join us on this journey to discover, develop and provide individualized antisense medicines for free for life for nano-rare patients. The ultimate personalized medicine approach – for free, for life.

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